Plaateelbakkery Zuid Gouda, Holland
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gouda i presume
anyone here know about Gouda pottery? the only bit of the mark i can make out is Zuid Hol and possibly a B next to a kind of square with a line through/house. there is a small impressed 4 as well. I know there are many potteries in the area, can anyone narrow it down for me as it doesn't look much like any of the brightly coloured gouda wares i often see at antiques fairs.
Re: Plaateelbakkery Zuid Gouda, Holland
There is a "Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland" with a kind of architectural mark - lots of detail here
hercules brabazon- Number of posts : 649
Location : London
Registration date : 2009-08-06
Re: Plaateelbakkery Zuid Gouda, Holland
found this site. a vase on there has very similar decoration in the Jugendstil style.
found this site. a vase on there has very similar decoration in the Jugendstil style.
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