Small Stoneware pot signed on the bottom very nicely made

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Small Stoneware pot signed on the bottom very nicely made Empty Small Stoneware pot signed on the bottom very nicely made

Post by Art Lover January 11th 2019, 7:21 pm

Just picked this up at the charity shop. My attraction was the quality and design. It measures about 3 1/2" tall and 2 3/4" wide. Nice hand painted oxide design. Small Stoneware pot signed on the bottom very nicely made Img_0511
Small Stoneware pot signed on the bottom very nicely made Img_0510
Small Stoneware pot signed on the bottom very nicely made Img_0510
Anyone have any clues to who signed or initialed it on the bottom? Thanks so much for looking.
Art Lover
Art Lover

Male Number of posts : 68
Age : 71
Location : Dunedin Fl.
Registration date : 2011-01-23

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