Unmarked Jug, long shot!

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Unmarked Jug, long shot! Empty Unmarked Jug, long shot!

Post by Davee January 10th 2019, 10:53 am

Just a really well potted jug with lovely handle application, totally unmarked, but just hoping someone may recognise something in the style, as the title says...long shot.

Unmarked Jug, long shot! Img_2016

Unmarked Jug, long shot! Img_2018

Unmarked Jug, long shot! Img_2017

Unmarked Jug, long shot! Img_2019

skay wrote: Happy Let's do some bumping please.

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Unmarked Jug, long shot! Empty Re: Unmarked Jug, long shot!

Post by abstract toad January 16th 2019, 4:52 pm

Really like the pot, just like a couple I have boxed up, but sadly I have no idea as to the maker, sorry.
There are so many potters out there making some really appealing pots, I have had to reign myself in a bit & try to stop buying everything I see, it is never ending, I'm all potted out Insane
abstract toad
abstract toad

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Unmarked Jug, long shot! Empty Re: Unmarked Jug, long shot!

Post by NaomiM January 16th 2019, 6:08 pm

From the colour I’d say either French or by Svend Bayer or someone copying Bayer

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Unmarked Jug, long shot! Empty Re: Unmarked Jug, long shot!

Post by touchdry January 16th 2019, 8:09 pm

... Out of La Borne?

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Unmarked Jug, long shot! Empty Re: Unmarked Jug, long shot!

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