Cranleigh Pottery, possibly by Joy Attwell

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Cranleigh Pottery, possibly by Joy Attwell Empty Cranleigh Pottery, possibly by Joy Attwell

Post by NaomiM December 30th 2018, 3:14 pm

Believed to be by Joy Attwell who set up a pottery in Cranleigh, Surrey, in the 60s and the Cranleigh Arts and Crafts Society, and recently passed away at the grand old age of 100 in 2017

Cranleigh Pottery, possibly by Joy Attwell 5184ab10

Cranleigh Pottery, possibly by Joy Attwell 5a350010 Cranleigh Pottery, possibly by Joy Attwell 6bdf4110 Cranleigh Pottery, possibly by Joy Attwell 472d0310

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