Clearly marked little wood fired vase

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Clearly marked little wood fired vase Empty Clearly marked little wood fired vase

Post by royalssu December 15th 2018, 12:59 am

Ok, one more....This is a little wood fired? piece that has a clear bow tie, hourglass, or MW mark on it. The mark is raised like a button. The inside is glazed white.

Clearly marked little wood fired vase Bowtie10
Clearly marked little wood fired vase Bowtie12
Clearly marked little wood fired vase Bowtie11

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Location : kansas city
Registration date : 2011-12-02

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Clearly marked little wood fired vase Empty Re: Clearly marked little wood fired vase

Post by dantheman December 15th 2018, 10:01 am

looks like a well made raku vase but no idea who the potter is.
try googling Kansas raku (if you bought it locally )

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