Unmarked vase, finger swipe decoration - early Conwy Pottery? Chalice Well?

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Unmarked vase, finger swipe decoration - early Conwy Pottery? Chalice Well? Empty Unmarked vase, finger swipe decoration - early Conwy Pottery? Chalice Well?

Post by NaomiM November 26th 2018, 8:18 pm

Mystery vase with finger swipe decoration both sides.  Unmarked. Looks Northern European to me

Unmarked vase, finger swipe decoration - early Conwy Pottery? Chalice Well? D605f810

Unmarked vase, finger swipe decoration - early Conwy Pottery? Chalice Well? E75cb910

Unmarked vase, finger swipe decoration - early Conwy Pottery? Chalice Well? Ac64d510 Unmarked vase, finger swipe decoration - early Conwy Pottery? Chalice Well? 37812f10

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