Egersund (Norway)

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Egersund (Norway) Empty Egersund (Norway)

Post by Christine June 14th 2008, 9:42 pm

The factory closed down in 1979 (burnt down?) and there is lots of information here, in Norwegian unfortunately, but there are some piccies,
click on Egersunds Fayancemuseum in the left hand menu.

Female Number of posts : 364
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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

Post by Pip June 9th 2009, 9:01 pm

Egersund (Norway) Img_4510

Egersund (Norway) Img_4511

Egersund (Norway) Img_4512

Female Number of posts : 3322
Registration date : 2008-02-02

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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

Post by NaomiM July 28th 2012, 5:15 pm

Lidded pot made by Egersund, Norway.

Egersund (Norway) Dscn0523

Egersund (Norway) Dscn0524

Egersund (Norway) Dscn0525

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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

Post by slopingsteve February 9th 2014, 12:59 pm

Egersund (Norway) Sam_1910

Last weekend, raining, coming down with 'flu, at the local boot sale I picked up and put down again a small Jersey pottery cat thereby saving £1.50. By the time I had woken up/come to my senses it had gone.
Bruised legs from kicking myself all week only just carried me to a local charity shop on the following rainy Saturday where I made my acquaintance with this little gem although I didn't realise how gem like it was until I got home and googled. The extra 50p was worth it I think.

Number of posts : 307
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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

Post by jojojosie20 February 10th 2014, 2:34 pm

Jakob Sømme commonly referred to as the puffin jug/pitcher. It is actually a razorbill. How tall is it as it is difficult to tell from the picture.

I have one 11.5 cm high haggled from £2 to £1 on a car boot sale  Laughter

Number of posts : 50
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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

Post by slopingsteve February 10th 2014, 6:53 pm

Did you know it was rare when you haggled?

Number of posts : 307
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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

Post by jojojosie20 February 11th 2014, 8:19 am

erm yes  Embarrassed 

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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

Post by slopingsteve February 15th 2014, 10:21 am

Is that the "faux embarrassment" icon that you've inserted there? Where can I find it because I can use that a lot.
I didn't realise that there were 6 of these jugs made, in graduated sizes, in the set.
Mine is just 10 cms tall, so I can see that yours is taller but I don't know where that would put them in relation to the whole set. Do you know how tall the biggest one is?

Last edited by slopingsteve on February 15th 2014, 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 307
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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

Post by slopingsteve February 15th 2014, 10:23 am

Wouldn't it have been amazing to have been a part of a puffin shaped tea service instead!!!!

Number of posts : 307
Location : Cambridgeshire, England
Registration date : 2013-08-24

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Egersund (Norway) Empty Re: Egersund (Norway)

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