Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.

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Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.  Empty Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.

Post by jeanbart October 17th 2018, 8:37 am

Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.  Cerami11

Number of posts : 2
Location : VIC
Registration date : 2018-10-17

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Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.  Empty Re: Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.

Post by denbydump October 17th 2018, 8:50 am

Hmm most odd. We will need some more pictures, a side-view and underneath.

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Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.  Empty Re: Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.

Post by Pottyal October 17th 2018, 10:03 am

Hi, I think it could be a double lemon squeezer or if the points are only narrow it could be a ring holder

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Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.  Empty Re: Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.

Post by tigerchips October 17th 2018, 11:51 pm

No marks?

I think this is what they call 'blue celeste' made famous by the Sevres factory and reproduced elsewhere.

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Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.  Empty Re: Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.

Post by jeanbart October 20th 2018, 12:25 pm

Thank you everyone. There are no marks underneath but I will try and get some more details, re size ect and a photo of the base. I was trying to identify it for a friend.

Number of posts : 2
Location : VIC
Registration date : 2018-10-17

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Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.  Empty Re: Can anyone please tell me what this piece is and what it was used for.

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