Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked

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Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked Empty Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked

Post by RoyJ99 September 11th 2018, 4:58 pm

Another item for the job lot I picked up last week. This is a sweet, very tactile beaker or yunomi, I love the form and made from porcelain which should hopefully narrow down the search. There appears to be copper in the glaze, particularly on the rim and interior although this may not be so apparent in the photos, the metallic sheen sometimes looks much more matt in pictures. It measures 9.4cm in height by 8.9cm.

Thanks in advance.

Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked Dscf1710

Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked Dscf1712

Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked Dscf1711

Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked Dscf1714

Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked Dscf1713

Number of posts : 350
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2013-06-12

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Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked Empty Re: Well Made Porcelain Yunomi or Beaker Unmarked

Post by NaomiM September 12th 2018, 2:02 am

Lovely glaze but not something I’ve come across before

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32302
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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