white creamware dish?

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white creamware dish? Empty white creamware dish?

Post by mikey1972 August 24th 2018, 11:06 am

white creamware dish? Dsc03314
white creamware dish? Dsc03313
white creamware dish? Dsc03312

White Creamware? dish. I am not sure what it was originally for so would like to know. Any ideas of the pottery? unmarked apart from the handpainted 19 on base of lid. It appears to be hand painted although I will stand to be corrected.

many thanks


Number of posts : 21
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2018-07-07

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white creamware dish? Empty Re: white creamware dish?

Post by Clarehelen August 24th 2018, 11:49 am

Hello, it's most likely a soap dish and should have had a base dish that the part with the hole in sat in, to catch any water etc. The bottom of the base dish was probably marked with the maker's backstamp. The pattern has been transferred onto the dish and then it has been coloured by hand.

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white creamware dish? Empty Re: white creamware dish?

Post by mikey1972 August 26th 2018, 4:36 pm


Number of posts : 21
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2018-07-07

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white creamware dish? Empty Re: white creamware dish?

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