Murano style bowl is it Murano ?

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Murano style bowl is it Murano ? Empty Murano style bowl is it Murano ?

Post by Itsonlyme August 17th 2018, 4:21 am

Hello all hopefully someone can help with this bowl I'm pretty sure it is Murano but not a design I can find any ideas would be greatly appreciated Murano style bowl is it Murano ? 15344715
Murano style bowl is it Murano ? 15344714
Murano style bowl is it Murano ? 15344713

Number of posts : 51
Location : Oxfordshire
Registration date : 2018-07-12

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Murano style bowl is it Murano ? Empty Re: Murano style bowl is it Murano ?

Post by LEGSY August 20th 2018, 1:05 pm

Lovely looking piece isn't it super quality too i like how that center piece looks on the base sorry can't help id..

Male Number of posts : 338
Age : 48
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2017-02-19

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Murano style bowl is it Murano ? Empty Re: Murano style bowl is it Murano ?

Post by Itsonlyme August 22nd 2018, 10:18 pm

Thank you It really is a stunning piece I think it's Murano possibly Galliano Ferro by the use of the controled bubbles but haven't found one similar as yet so the search continues

Number of posts : 51
Location : Oxfordshire
Registration date : 2018-07-12

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Murano style bowl is it Murano ? Empty Re: Murano style bowl is it Murano ?

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