Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved

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Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Empty Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved

Post by eggiacalus August 7th 2018, 8:13 pm

Hello everyone,

inside a lot of ancient objects that I won at an auction house in Rome (Italy)

I found this big old metal plate / plaque; it is not magnetic, I assure you that it really looks like silver.

But besides this, I found some very interesting things:

I found two heraldic / royal coat of arms engraved, and also two Signatures, but I can not understand as well.

At the center are represented two birds.

Diameter is cm 16

Through your help, I would like to understand what is struck, which country it is, and to date it if possible.

By the oxidation I could place it in the nineteenth century, but I am an expert in numismatics only,

so I entrust myself to you for a more professional opinion.

I thank you in advance for the answers

Sending related photos


Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved 1
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07515
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07519
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07521
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07522
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07523
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07526
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07534
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07538
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07539
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07540
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07542
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07546
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07551
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07554
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07556
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07564
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07565
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07567
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07568
Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Dsc07569

Number of posts : 41
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Empty Re: Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved

Post by tenpot August 8th 2018, 6:49 pm

I wonder if it could be north african maybe Morocco

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Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Empty Re: Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved

Post by NaomiM August 8th 2018, 7:21 pm

I think Islamic; Moroccan or even Indian. The decoration is too rough and too clean to be old, although it’s very possible they’ve used an old plate, hence the pair of marks.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Empty Re: Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved

Post by eggiacalus August 8th 2018, 9:32 pm

NaomiM wrote:I think Islamic; Moroccan or even Indian. The decoration is too rough and too clean to be old, although it’s very possible they’ve used an old plate, hence the pair of marks.

Hello, excuse me, i dont understand the meaning of this phrase "although it’s very possible they’ve used an old plate, hence the pair of marks."


Number of posts : 41
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Empty Re: Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved

Post by eggiacalus August 8th 2018, 9:39 pm

From what I see, the crests are composed of a crown and laurels tied by a central bow,
and it does not seem to me that Islam, Morocco, and India have their laurels .

I have found some similar royal coat of arms here :

what do you think ?

could it be a coat of arms relating to an old Italian municipality?

Number of posts : 41
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Empty Re: Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved

Post by eggiacalus August 11th 2018, 8:53 pm

Please if someone can help me more with this plaque, thanks

Number of posts : 41
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved Empty Re: Id big Silver old Plate with 2 royal coat of arms and 2 signatures engraved

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