Elsie Blumer

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Elsie Blumer Empty Elsie Blumer

Post by Howard Lincoln May 7th 2018, 1:36 am

Elsie Blumer Harbor10
Elsie Blumer Harbor11

I'm pretty sure this is Elsie Blumer The serifs on the H are quite different to those on the Yunomi. I'm sure I may have missed further discussion in the intervening 3 years but came on to see if there was anything on Harborne on here and didn't want to waste the journey.
Howard Lincoln
Howard Lincoln

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Elsie Blumer Empty Re: Elsie Blumer

Post by NaomiM May 7th 2018, 2:04 am

Yes, by Elsie Blumer. I’ve split it from the other thread because the other mark is still waiting to be verified.

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