Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

Post by denbydump March 29th 2018, 3:45 pm

2 heavy studio-type stoneware jugs with identical Claypits mark plus a monogram. Anyone seen this before?

Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny 100_3738
Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny 100_3740
Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny 100_3739

Last edited by denbydump on March 31st 2018, 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo in name)

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Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01


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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Re: Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

Post by philpot March 30th 2018, 4:13 pm

Leonard Edger?
Blog and all..

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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Re: Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

Post by denbydump March 30th 2018, 7:05 pm

Thanks Phil. Yes you are probably right.
He does some quite varied stuff/

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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Leonard Edgar, Clay Pits Ewenny

Post by NaomiM March 30th 2018, 10:26 pm

You’re right. But I think it best to give him a separate thread so I’ll split this one from the Ewenny Potteries one. But it’s possible most of the other Clay Pits pots on that thread are also by Edgar

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Studio pottery thing by Leonard Edger - What is it?

Post by benwilliams April 24th 2019, 3:37 pm

Can’t quite believe it’s a vase. Is it a lid with the mark on top. The hole goes all the way through so maybe a lid is right.
Can anyone help? And who is the maker? Why did I buy it?

Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny F0d79b10
Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Ba9cac10
Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny 134b2910

Number of posts : 2426
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Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Re: Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

Post by touchdry April 24th 2019, 4:48 pm

Could it be a bell  ... with the ringer missing?

... Its Leonard Edger's mark ... was at Clatpits, Ewenny.

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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Re: Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

Post by benwilliams April 24th 2019, 5:03 pm

That makes sense. I’ll look up Leonard Edger - thank you!

Number of posts : 2426
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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Re: Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

Post by abstract toad April 25th 2019, 5:41 pm

[quote="benwilliams"]Can’t quite believe it’s a vase. Is it a lid with the mark on top. The hole goes all the way through so maybe a lid is right.
Can anyone help? And who is the maker? Why did I buy it?

LOL, I wish I had a pound for every time I have asked myself that same question.

This collecting malarky is dangerously addictive.
abstract toad
abstract toad

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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Re: Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

Post by touchdry April 25th 2019, 8:41 pm

Just had an email from Leonard Edger:

"Hi Tim,
You are right it is bell and there would have been a ringer.
About forty years old at a guess.
best wishes ,

Male Number of posts : 221
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Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny Empty Re: Leonard Edger, Clay Pits Ewenny

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