Heavy bell shaped amethyst decanter paper label to base no 73231 please ID

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Heavy bell shaped amethyst decanter paper label to base no 73231 please ID Empty Heavy bell shaped amethyst decanter paper label to base no 73231 please ID

Post by Leach54321 March 19th 2018, 3:51 pm

This is a very heavy amethyst bell shaped decanter with a clear stopper and a nicely polished pontil which has a paper label which has the number 73231 - can anyone help me identify this please.Heavy bell shaped amethyst decanter paper label to base no 73231 please ID Img_0821
Heavy bell shaped amethyst decanter paper label to base no 73231 please ID Img_0820
Heavy bell shaped amethyst decanter paper label to base no 73231 please ID Img_0819

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Registration date : 2018-03-19

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