Stoneware teapot, FH mark?

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Stoneware teapot, FH mark?  Empty Stoneware teapot, FH mark?

Post by r-and-f March 1st 2018, 4:13 pm

Asking for a friend - a stoneware teapot with an indecipherable incised mark on the base. My opinion is that it looks rather ill-proportioned and clunky, and that the absence of a proper stamped seal probably indicates a fairly competent but unidentifiable hobby potter.

Or does anyone recognise a maker?

Stoneware teapot, FH mark?  Murray12

Stoneware teapot, FH mark?  Murray10   Stoneware teapot, FH mark?  Murray11

Male Number of posts : 280
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Stoneware teapot, FH mark?  Empty Re: Stoneware teapot, FH mark?

Post by philpot March 1st 2018, 4:45 pm

The mark hints at a hobby potter. Plus the fact that you have summarised it yourself. 'Ill proportioned and clunky'. Handle is too thick and joined in the wrong place, spout awkward and ill pouring, the body too small for the handle etc etc...... Just plain wrong, for a professional potter. Put it this way. If this was for sale on Ebay with those photos, would anybody pay decent money for it? I doubt it.

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Stoneware teapot, FH mark?  Empty Re: Stoneware teapot, FH mark?

Post by NaomiM March 1st 2018, 7:56 pm

Agreed, hobby or student piece, although if they have any links with the US or Australia then it might have come from there where there are a lot of, er, rustic potters

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Stoneware teapot, FH mark?  Empty Re: Stoneware teapot, FH mark?

Post by r-and-f March 2nd 2018, 3:03 pm

Thank you both. My feelings confirmed. Now I just have to work out how to break the bad news to my friend!

Male Number of posts : 280
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Stoneware teapot, FH mark?  Empty Re: Stoneware teapot, FH mark?

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