LIBERTY of London Glass Vase

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LIBERTY of London Glass Vase Empty LIBERTY of London Glass Vase

Post by PETERROGERS February 11th 2018, 9:41 pm

Hello to all. New member here.
I collect many types of ceramics and glass and with the aim to sell on eBay. Bought the following Liberty vase at auction a year or so ago but am unable to read the signature.
Photos follow. Can't seem to get any decent photo of the signature so am showing photos of the vase only. Will persevere with the signature.  
I would appreciate if anyone out there could help with the glass maker.
Many thanksLIBERTY of London Glass Vase 11LIBERTY of London Glass Vase Dsc_3920

Last edited by PETERROGERS on February 11th 2018, 11:19 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : correction)

Number of posts : 1
Location : london
Registration date : 2015-10-31

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LIBERTY of London Glass Vase Empty Re: LIBERTY of London Glass Vase

Post by dantheman February 11th 2018, 11:43 pm

Welcome Peter.
Good luck with the other pics, we will need to see them for the id.
I look forward to seeing your ceramics

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