Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles

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Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles Empty Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles

Post by 22 Crawford St. December 23rd 2017, 1:30 am

Part of my tile collection. Been saving these for a while and as I post nice things at Christmas I dug them out. No one wants tiles any more I was going to raise the topic on a certain facebookie forum but for reasons that would take too long to explain I'm still not allowed in for some silly reason. I digress... we could have had a competition but there seems to be no one aground and most of the Ids are not hard. All British except the one.

The thought was to mount them on my coffee table which is almost exactly the same size. I could have got a piece of toughened 10mm glass to float above them and mount them all at the same height. The KC ones are very thick. I was thinking I would buy quite a nice table with the proceeds of the sale of these also. Buy everyone seemed to think that was tacky when canvassed? Personally I would be delighted to see x28 tiles as a coffee table under glass if I visited someone.

The x28 tiles. They would be very hard to replace, Most of these tiles were made in short runs (Well AW made shed-loads) and are 'uncommon'. The Briglin tiles are mostly trivets. this at first seemed odd but I'm assuming that is because they could sell for more and quicker than plain decorated tile. Everyone could use a tea stand could they not in 1975? Briglin always gravitated to commercial needs it seems. As trivets they also survive better with a nice soft surround and a good solid backing. The two white AW trivets are marked with the Briglin sticker on the back, meaning they were sold through Briglin. I'm sure I have an email from Joe/Alan explaining and dating this and I will dig it out sometime. I think it's mid 60s perhaps 63? (can't remember). The x4 AW are a little more interesting than the white ones.

The x4 handmade Kenneth Clarks are all moulded tiles not decorated blanks and at least 10mm thick. As a result they feel like an object not a fragile tile.

Anyway... form left to right rows 1 to 4

Row 1 = Kenneth Clark, KC, Colin Kellam, Briglin, AW Briglin, Briglin, Briglin
Row 2 = KC, KC, Carter 75 by Ivor Kamlish, Briglin, AW Briglin, Briglin, Chelsea JM
Row 3 = AW, AW, Royal Copenhagen Johanne Gerber, c. 1960's, Briglin, Briglin, Briglin, Celtic
Row 4 = AW, AW, Briglin, Celtic, Celtic, Celtic, Aldermaston


Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles Dscn9312

Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles Dscn9310

Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles Dscn9314

Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles Dscn9311

Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles Dscn9313
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5612
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Registration date : 2009-12-19

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Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles Empty Re: Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles

Post by NaomiM December 23rd 2017, 1:50 am

Nice :)

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Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles Empty Re: Coffee Table Tile Project x28 Tiles

Post by dantheman December 23rd 2017, 1:53 pm

I really love it

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