Vase, JS mark (not Julian Stair)
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Johners2000- Number of posts : 500
Location : Northamptonshire
Registration date : 2017-01-04
Re: Vase, JS mark (not Julian Stair)
Not sure. Not quite the same as the example in the Marks book
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Vase, JS mark (not Julian Stair)
I'm not sure either as the style of the piece looks wrong. The only other one I've found so far is John Solly - but again it's not quite right.
Johners2000- Number of posts : 500
Location : Northamptonshire
Registration date : 2017-01-04
Re: Vase, JS mark (not Julian Stair)
Agreed, the style looks wrong. John Solly (and John Shelly) had the J through the S and was earthenware where as this looks like a red stoneware
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Vase, JS mark (not Julian Stair)
I asked Julian Stair and he confirmed that it is not one of his pieces - although he did say the mark is similar.
Johners2000- Number of posts : 500
Location : Northamptonshire
Registration date : 2017-01-04
Re: Vase, JS mark (not Julian Stair)
Came across one attributed to John Shakeshaft. Better known for his collection of studio pottery but he made some pieces too.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Vase, JS mark (not Julian Stair)
I know that John did make some pots, as I visited him once and he pointing out a couple mixed in with his collection when I was eating the lunch that he had prepared. I didn't check them or look for a mark but they would have seen the light of day when part of his collection was sold by the Fitzwilliam Museum at Woolley & Wallis in November 2016. Maybe the vase here is more likely to have been sold with that provenance in May 2017, if it was by him.
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