MM mark on vinegar/oil bottle - Paul Ager, Mildmay Pottery

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MM mark on vinegar/oil bottle - Paul Ager, Mildmay Pottery  Empty MM mark on vinegar/oil bottle - Paul Ager, Mildmay Pottery

Post by Johners2000 May 22nd 2017, 2:40 pm

Look like it could have a bit of age to it. Possibly 50/60s.

MM mark on vinegar/oil bottle - Paul Ager, Mildmay Pottery  Img_2123
MM mark on vinegar/oil bottle - Paul Ager, Mildmay Pottery  Img_2124

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MM mark on vinegar/oil bottle - Paul Ager, Mildmay Pottery  Empty Mal Magson or Paul Ager?

Post by NaomiM May 22nd 2017, 5:08 pm

Sometimes with an AP beside it (see below). Closest in the Marks book is Mal Magson, or it might be by Paul Ager, but I haven't found a positively IDed example to confirm that.
Edited to add, according to the Bayfield-on-the-Green FB page, Paul Ager was potting at Mildmay Pottery, Bridle Path, Northampton in the 1980s? But they don't have examples of his work. No mention of him online. To be verified

MM mark on vinegar/oil bottle - Paul Ager, Mildmay Pottery  Myster62

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