Rupert Spira

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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by philpot February 23rd 2024, 9:25 am

I am saying there is not definitive proof that it is. Or expert opinion. Have you sent photos of these to Maak for instance. They would be valuable enough to go into one of her auctions, and you would get a better price than on Ebay.

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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by Neil62 February 23rd 2024, 9:36 am

philpot wrote:I am saying there is not definitive proof that it is. Or expert opinion. Have you sent photos of these to Maak for instance. They would be valuable enough to go into one of her auctions, and you would get a better price than on Ebay.

Hi Philpot
I just looked on Naomi’s site where the mark is shown then searched through previous auction sales and found examples of it particularly from W & W but I think also from AP (but could be wrong)
I think the point of my posting was that I could see evidence that it was his mark but no actual tangible proof.
I searched through all Maaks sales of RS work …about 100 I think but they were all of the RS rather than the rS mark - which intrigued me ….hence my post.
I think the best person to ask is Naomi given the mark is shown on BISPM and I know she wouldn’t have posted it without research / evidence.
For me the mugs are the same shape as others he made which have the RS stamp on but I thought someone might have a definitive answer.



Male Number of posts : 388
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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by NaomiM February 23rd 2024, 11:52 am

You’re referring to this mark on BISPM which is the one he used for Heals. Yes it does look like it

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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by Neil62 February 23rd 2024, 12:00 pm

Spot on Naomi - excellent as always - I didn’t know he used it for Heals but there are quite a few examples of it being attributed to him at auction -
Many thanks question answered!!
I have sent the photos to Maak prior to your answer…..should have waited!
Kind regards

Last edited by NaomiM on February 23rd 2024, 12:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Saleroom photos deleted due to copyright infringement)

Male Number of posts : 388
Age : 64
Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by Neil62 February 23rd 2024, 12:37 pm

Hi Naomi,
I have received a response from Maak who state this mark was a ‘studio mark’ rather than being Rupert Spira’s personal mark. I have asked for clarity regarding what that actually meant and will keep you updated.
I am more interested in their production, the mark and getting it right than I am in the value. They are after all just mugs albeit nice ones!
Kind regards

Male Number of posts : 388
Age : 64
Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Registration date : 2022-04-04

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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by croker February 23rd 2024, 12:57 pm

My understanding of this mark is that it was used on Spira's  tableware 'designs' rather than his individual pots, there were a fair number of pieces with this mark at Chiswick auctions in April 29th design sale in 2021.

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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by Neil62 February 23rd 2024, 1:17 pm

croker wrote:My understanding of this mark is that it was used on Spira's  tableware 'designs' rather than his individual pots, there were a fair number of pieces with this mark at Chiswick auctions in April 29th design sale in 2021.

Hi Croker,
Unusually I think in this instance everyone is correct!!!
From my very limited research (past sales at auction) I could see that the mark was confined to tableware, mine included and I did wonder why Maak only sold items with the RS mark and none with the rS mark.
I did go back to Maak for clarity and Marijke has very kindly responded confirming what Naomi and BISPM had said and you yourself Croker have just intimated (tableware design)
The mark was from his studio which produced pots sold onto Heals!
You know in just a couple of hours the collective knowledge out there is amazing and thanks to Philpot who suggested contacting Maak.
I am reasonably happy - Initially I didn’t think they were anything to do with Rupert Spira and they were very inexpensive then I thought possibly an early mark and now a halfway house BUT more importantly for me I understand what the two different marks represent

Male Number of posts : 388
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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by philpot February 23rd 2024, 6:04 pm

That is a reasonable price for that Neil.

Number of posts : 6636
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Rupert Spira - Page 2 Empty Re: Rupert Spira

Post by Neil62 February 23rd 2024, 6:17 pm

philpot wrote:That is a reasonable price for that Neil.
I like to be fair Philpot but didn’t realise who you were on eBay - all good ….👍 
At least you know I’m honest a Thanks for the business!!!

Male Number of posts : 388
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Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
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