Lester Fudge (Cornwall) - F mark and three dots
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Lester Fudge (Cornwall) - F mark and three dots
Last edited by denbydump on June 30th 2023, 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: Lester Fudge (Cornwall) - F mark and three dots
Oddly enough this is the third one of these I've seen this month, but never come across it before that. There were a pair of cups and saucers on eBay and a vase. No Id, but a suggestion they might be Cornish. I'm wondering if they're a new Irish pottery or even Isle of Man?
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Lester Fudge (Cornwall) - F mark and three dots
I also enearthed a goblet, both bits very well made, wonder if it could be a known
pottery that has changed it's mark?
pottery that has changed it's mark?
Mordeep- Number of posts : 847
Age : 56
Location : Richmond Surrey
Registration date : 2015-06-05
Re: Lester Fudge (Cornwall) - F mark and three dots
We've had this several times but so far unidentified. Good quality pieces.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Teapot With Potters Marks F. - Lester Fudge
Can any of you good forum folk kindly help me with this teapot and mark thanks. I have seen it somewhere before on pottery related sites, but can't remember what site I visited. Thanks.
Lester Fudge - F mark and three dots
One of our regular mystery marks, IDed as Lester Fudge, who gave up potting to become the Bard of Gorsedd
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Lester Fudge (Cornwall) - F mark and three dots
What a great name! Up there with Beer!
Mr Fudge
Reg Fudge
Judge Fudge
Fred Fudge
Mr Fudge
Reg Fudge
Judge Fudge
Fred Fudge
Re: Lester Fudge (Cornwall) - F mark and three dots
It's by Lester Fudge, now retired from potting.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Studio pottery mug, Lester Fudge.
Last edited by toomanypots on April 14th 2018, 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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benwilliams- Number of posts : 2527
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27
Porcelain plaque
I am amazed to see this again. I last saw it in 1980 or 1981.
Lester Fudge was a potter who ran the Wheal Martyn Pottery in Cornwall for a number of years. In 1980 or 1981 (I can't remember the exact date) he shared an exhibition with the artist Samuel Dodwell in Amsterdam (entitled "Kunst uit Cornwall). Around this time he had been experimenting with porcelain plagues, and made at least two for Sam Dodwell to decorate. I witnessed this one being decorated (in a back room at the Mid Cornwall Gallery). You therefore have a plaque made by Lester Fudge with a self-portrait by Sam Dodwell - a very rare piece indeed! The occasion was the opening night of an exhibition where both were exhibiting. Also present was another artist, Fred Yates, and Sam invited him to "have a go" with a second plaque, which is currently on sale on ebay for over £400.
Lester Fudge was a potter who ran the Wheal Martyn Pottery in Cornwall for a number of years. In 1980 or 1981 (I can't remember the exact date) he shared an exhibition with the artist Samuel Dodwell in Amsterdam (entitled "Kunst uit Cornwall). Around this time he had been experimenting with porcelain plagues, and made at least two for Sam Dodwell to decorate. I witnessed this one being decorated (in a back room at the Mid Cornwall Gallery). You therefore have a plaque made by Lester Fudge with a self-portrait by Sam Dodwell - a very rare piece indeed! The occasion was the opening night of an exhibition where both were exhibiting. Also present was another artist, Fred Yates, and Sam invited him to "have a go" with a second plaque, which is currently on sale on ebay for over £400.
LisaLan- Number of posts : 24
Location : Brittany
Registration date : 2019-08-25
Re: Lester Fudge (Cornwall) - F mark and three dots
Carrot cake is just fake cake
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