John Struthers, Orkney

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John Struthers, Orkney Empty John Struthers, Orkney

Post by r-and-f October 28th 2016, 11:54 am

John Struthers lives and works on the island of Burray in Orkney.  He has a nice website at but doesn't seem to do much about showing or selling his pots.  I first saw them for sale a few years ago in the shop at at the fantastic Pier Arts Centre in Stromness, and have been kicking myself ever since that I didn't buy one.  However, one came up recently on a certain well-known website, so I bought it and here's its picture.  Think he deserves to be better-known.

John Struthers, Orkney John_s10

John Struthers, Orkney John_s12

John Struthers, Orkney John_s11

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John Struthers, Orkney Empty Re: John Struthers, Orkney

Post by NaomiM October 28th 2016, 5:10 pm

Yes, I saw those. I think the seller had two or three but didn't know the mark so I IDed them for him. Even IDed he was asking a very reasonable price for each of them.

JAS mark

John Struthers, Orkney Img_9210

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