Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe??

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Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Empty Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe??

Post by hanneke52 Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:28 pm

Any information re: this bowl? Vase? Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Bowl10
Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Bowl110
Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Bowl210
Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Bowl310
Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Bowl410
Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Bowl510
Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Bowl610
Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Bowl710
I have this small one and an identical one larger. I can not find this pattern anywhere. Have had these since mid 1970. I tried to capture a few small chips on the bottom and I do not believe glass chips this way but I am not sure. Can't wait to find out more about this item.

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Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Empty Re: Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe??

Post by NaomiM Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:00 pm

I'm not sure if it's Waterford but there was the American Brilliant Cut glass era, where various manufacturers made this type of glass. Might be one of them.

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Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Empty Re: Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe??

Post by Davee Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:44 pm

Naomi is probably right with American. Try searching for Libbey Cut Glass on Google, it looks like one of their patterns.

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Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe?? Empty Re: Crystal or Glass. Waterford Glass maybe??

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