Moulded / pressed glass and part frosted bowl for ID - Walther? maybe

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Moulded / pressed glass and part frosted bowl for ID - Walther? maybe Empty Moulded / pressed glass and part frosted bowl for ID - Walther? maybe

Post by user9318 August 21st 2016, 8:07 am

Purchased this bowl yesterday and I am not sure if it may be a Walther piece or another glass factory. I have been through all the bowls (attributed and unattributed) on and no luck, unless I missed it (I did go through them twice!)

It is part frosted pressed / moulded glass and was absolutely filthy, but has cleaned up ok. 9" diameter, 4" tall approximately

Any help with the maker and rough age or a pointer in the right direction would be appreciated.

Moulded / pressed glass and part frosted bowl for ID - Walther? maybe Bowl_013

Moulded / pressed glass and part frosted bowl for ID - Walther? maybe Bowl_012

Moulded / pressed glass and part frosted bowl for ID - Walther? maybe Bowl_010

Moulded / pressed glass and part frosted bowl for ID - Walther? maybe Bowl_011

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