sputnik lamp.... maker? origin?

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sputnik lamp.... maker? origin? Empty sputnik lamp.... maker? origin?

Post by styleinvasion December 5th 2015, 5:01 pm

sputnik lamp.... maker? origin? P1390110

sputnik lamp.... maker? origin? G9fbr910     sputnik lamp.... maker? origin? P1390112     sputnik lamp.... maker? origin? P1390113     sputnik lamp.... maker? origin? P1390115

I dont have an idea who did this piece... italian?
It has the smallest bulb sockets i have ever seen...
not more than 1cm in diameter... hopefully e10 bulbs will work
one strange thing is the electricity...... there is just one wire to each bulb and a single wire connected to the globe... seems to be current carrying electricity when switched on...?

At least i have finished the first cleaning step....
(the 1st small pic shows that it had to be done)

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sputnik lamp.... maker? origin? Empty Re: sputnik lamp.... maker? origin?

Post by jonspencer August 13th 2021, 6:32 pm

very likely Italian, Stilnovo made a similar sputnik type lamp that many other designers copied

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Location : Italy / UAE
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