multimetal tree with birds sculpture
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multimetal tree with birds sculpture
Hello, Can someone please tell me if this mid-century modern? multi-metal tree with birds sculpture is Asian (Japanese), and if so, any idea as to which artist it might be attributed. NOTE: I didn't find a signature thus far, but that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't one! Any information or assistance with this query would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! David.
2canton4- Number of posts : 129
Location : canada
Registration date : 2015-09-30
Re: multimetal tree with birds sculpture
I'd be happier saying it was Japanese if the leaves were made of Jade or other semi precious stones, or it was sitting in a celadon or porcelain bowl. I just don't know. There are craft kits for such 'bonsai' trees so maybe it's one of them?
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