HR mark - Helen Rushworth
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HR mark - Helen Rushworth
Last edited by NaomiM on October 29th 2021, 1:55 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : removal of second item)
Howard Lincoln- Number of posts : 44
Location : Coventry England
Registration date : 2015-09-05
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
I think the HR mark could be for Helen Rushworth
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
The mark on the other pot is too out of focus to see clearly.
Could you post it in a new thread, please, and I'll tidy up this one. Threads of pots that are identified are merged with other threads of that pottery &/or moved to the other groups, but we can't do that if there are more than one pot for ID in the opening post.
Could you post it in a new thread, please, and I'll tidy up this one. Threads of pots that are identified are merged with other threads of that pottery &/or moved to the other groups, but we can't do that if there are more than one pot for ID in the opening post.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
Hi Naomi. I edited the original post to remove the second pot and will try to get a better picture of the mark and rotate the picture of the pot itself and post in separate thread.
Howard Lincoln- Number of posts : 44
Location : Coventry England
Registration date : 2015-09-05
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
Just cleared up a mystery bowl I own. Will post pics when I get round to unpacking
Jeffingtons- Number of posts : 219
Location : Birmingham, UK
Registration date : 2011-07-18
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
Jeffingtons wrote:Just cleared up a mystery bowl I own. Will post pics when I get round to unpacking
Sounds interesting - look forward to more information.
Howard Lincoln- Number of posts : 44
Location : Coventry England
Registration date : 2015-09-05
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
NaomiM wrote:The mark on the other pot is too out of focus to see clearly.
Could you post it in a new thread, please, and I'll tidy up this one. Threads of pots that are identified are merged with other threads of that pottery &/or moved to the other groups, but we can't do that if there are more than one pot for ID in the opening post.
Hi Naomi. You mentioned a book of studio pot marks the other day. Have you more detail?
Howard Lincoln- Number of posts : 44
Location : Coventry England
Registration date : 2015-09-05
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
British Studio Potters' Marks by Eric Yates-Owen, Robert Fournier. The 3rd Edition has recently been published, but if you can't afford it then the 2nd edition c.1999 is still quite useful.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
Here's my bowl. Cheap charity shop purchase couple of years ago. It's just the size for a portion of noodle soup
Jeffingtons- Number of posts : 219
Location : Birmingham, UK
Registration date : 2011-07-18
Re: HR mark - Helen Rushworth
Jeffingtons wrote:
Here's my bowl. Cheap charity shop purchase couple of years ago. It's just the size for a portion of noodle soup
That is lovely - I obviously go to the wrong charity shops! Certainly looks like the same mark.
Howard Lincoln- Number of posts : 44
Location : Coventry England
Registration date : 2015-09-05
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