Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family

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Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Empty Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family

Post by studio-pots August 25th 2015, 3:07 pm

The Fremington Pottery in North Devon, situated between Bideford and Barnstaple, was found by George Fishley in 1865 and was run by members of the same family until 1912.

The domestic redwares were much admired by Michael Cardew and Bernard Leach so had an influence on the early studio potters. Harvest jugs and more ornamental pieces were also produced but below is a large oval pie dish that was typical of the domestic wares produced at the pottery for most of its lifespan.

Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Frem10

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Empty Re: Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family

Post by denbydump August 25th 2015, 6:36 pm

An Edwin Beer Fishley jug, incised E B Fishley, Fremington, N Devon.

Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family 100_2574

Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family 100_2575

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Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Empty Re: Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family

Post by Mordeep August 26th 2015, 1:07 pm

The Fremington pottery and the Fishley family had massive influence in that part of the world and pottery in general.
You have the E B Fishley and Fishley Holland link to Michael Cardew (one inspired, one taught). You have its link to the Barnstable potters (glazes and firing). You have the Ed Sadler period and you have the family link to Edwin Eltons sunflower pottery. The list goes on but for a small family run pottery it made a big splash. Nice to see some bits here.

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Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Empty In the family tradition

Post by bluenote December 12th 2017, 2:15 pm

Its almost a snap but this piece is signed by William Fishley Holland who I believe was the grandson of Edwin. The W is a little indistinct due to the glaze but the letter is there and runs into the F. I believe William was only at Fremington for a few years at the beginning of the 20th C but am finding different or non specific dates on the net and in Godden. Can anyone help with an accurate timescale please so the jug can be slotted into a clear time span?  ThanksFremington Pottery - the Fishley family 20171216
Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family 20171220
Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family 20171219

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Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Empty Re: Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family

Post by denbydump August 29th 2018, 12:35 am

The books on Fishley Holland are not great for dates or marks. He trained for 10
years under his grandfather, from c1902/3, aged 13 1/2, until EB Fishley died, and
the pottery was sold by the family in 1912/13.
He then moved to the newly established Braunton pottery.

Number of posts : 7361
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Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Empty Re: Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family

Post by NaomiM August 29th 2018, 12:58 am

Edwin Beer Fishley

Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Cd913810
Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family E4332510

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family Empty Re: Fremington Pottery - the Fishley family

Post by 22 Crawford St. August 29th 2018, 9:21 pm

22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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