Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

hercules brabazon
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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by hercules brabazon June 18th 2015, 12:00 pm

E. Roddy and Co of Burslem was a  a short-lived firm operating, according to the books, only  from 1925-28. Their products, however, don't seem to be particularly rare. Their range seems to have been fairly limited: jugs and bowls with an all-over raised decoration, in various glazes, and Toby jugs. Sometimes they used a matt finish, which gave them a more contemporary feel, but I bought this one because I liked the Whielden-style glaze.

Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Dscf0910

Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Dscf0911

Last edited by NaomiM on December 6th 2021, 1:37 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : full title)
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by hercules brabazon June 18th 2015, 12:26 pm

Since posting the above, a bit of googling has revealed that Roddy made some rather artier looking ware with these mottled glazes.
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by hercules brabazon June 29th 2017, 1:17 pm

Despite the dates usually given for Roddy Ware, Ernest Roddy is recorded as a tile manufacturer in Newcastle Street, Burslem, as late as 1937, and I wonder if he carried on a sideline in the decorative jugs; the plain matt glazes look rather more 1930s than 1920s.
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Lustre cream jug ER mark. Roddy ware

Post by denbydump September 23rd 2021, 9:39 am

A lot going on, on this little jug, patches of intense copper lustre, hard to capture.

Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). 100_4645
Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). 100_4646
Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). 100_4647

Last edited by denbydump on September 24th 2021, 7:44 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : pos id)

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by philpot September 23rd 2021, 11:04 am

That is a Very Fancy ER signature. Possibly something to do with some Royal Anniversary or such like?

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by NaomiM September 23rd 2021, 12:14 pm

1940s-50s student piece, maybe.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by denbydump September 24th 2021, 7:45 am

It is Roddy ware.
I had a feeling I had seen the body before, it did seem factory
made, but the decoration threw me, never seen these Art
pottery glazes on Roddy ware before.

There are examples shown here of copper lustre, and also a
hand-written mark with an identical E R.

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by denbydump September 24th 2021, 7:46 am

The is convinced the dates of operation
given in Goddens are incorrect:

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty ART POTTERY CHARGER CREST / FLAG PATTERN - E. Roddy Pottery

Post by Leach54321 May 18th 2022, 3:56 pm

This is a 12.25" art pottery charger / wall hanging plate featuring a crest or flag to the centre and with a backstamp to the back that clearly has & Pottery but hard to read the rest - perhaps the longer word is RIDDYor RIDDZ?  Can anyone help me identify this please?

Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Img_9915
Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Img_9916
Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Img_9914

Last edited by NaomiM on September 5th 2022, 11:01 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : pos ID)

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by denbydump May 18th 2022, 4:42 pm

E Roddy, most unusual.

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by Leach54321 May 18th 2022, 4:53 pm

Thank you for your help and quick response.

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

Post by Clive September 5th 2022, 9:49 pm

What a coincidence - I've just acquired an identical one in an auction lot in Reading! I managed to find the E Roddy entry on the Potteries website after a bit of trial and error, via some art barn (*ddy) - the cursive script is their art pottery.

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Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs). Empty Re: Roddy Ware, E. Roddy & Co, Burslem, (Staffs).

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