Scottish Pottery Vase - Alistair Macduff
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Scottish Pottery Vase - Alistair Macduff
unable to decifer the surname on the bottom, first name is Alistair. Anyone please?
cookiepops- Number of posts : 335
Location : uk
Registration date : 2012-01-21
Re: Scottish Pottery Vase - Alistair Macduff
big ed- Number of posts : 11869
Age : 71
Location : UK
Registration date : 2008-03-22
Re: Scottish Pottery Vase - Alistair Macduff
why thank you Big Man, I had written it down somewhere but can't find my note or even remember lol.
cookiepops- Number of posts : 335
Location : uk
Registration date : 2012-01-21
Re: Scottish Pottery Vase - Alistair Macduff
Here's another vase by Alistair Macduff. There's a whole display case full of his stuff in the Museum of Edinburgh on the Royal Mile. He also ran the Dorincourt Potters workshop for disabled people for a few years in the fifties and sixties, mostly screen-printing modern designs onto mass-produced earthenware pots and tiles. You see his name on the back of their wares. Then in later life he went to Canada to teach craft skills to the Inuit population, where he lived to a great age and (for all I know) may be living still.
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