Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by DermotCran Wed May 20, 2015 8:56 pm

I was hoping to find out something about an item that may or may not be Ulrome Pottery, I bought a small collection some 20+ years ago Ulrome animals (see photos). In the box there is also a pair of hands, all the items I have are Ulmore so I am hoping these might be to, the hands measure 6 ½  inch long, 4 ½ inch wide and 1 ¾ inch tall. They are black gloss not matt like the animals, they are similar underneath to the Ulrome animals, white clay with the hole and embossed into the clay is the number 520.
I would really appreciate if anyone has any ideas.
Regards, Dermot.

I have attempted to load photographs, unsure if it is working?

Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Img_0117

Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Img_0119

Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Img_0120

Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Img_0121

Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Img_0122

Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Img_0123

Last edited by DermotCran on Wed May 20, 2015 9:37 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Location : Morecambe
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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by NaomiM Wed May 20, 2015 10:08 pm

Ulrome, Hornsea Pottery animals - more on this thread

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by NaomiM Wed May 20, 2015 10:11 pm

I'm no expert on Hornsea but the hands look more like West German pottery, but  there have been a lot of black glazed white earthenware figurines and novelty items like hand ring holders on the market, produced by revamped Devon potteries (I think New Dartmouth or Fosters is the name of one of them), so might be from there. But others will know better than me.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by denbydump Wed May 20, 2015 10:46 pm

Yes with the mould No 520 it is genuine, though it was much copied worlwide.
Made at Ulrome and Edenfield in Black and White, 1957-58.

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by cycladelic Sun May 08, 2016 9:03 am

I think the seal on the left is a Colin Melbourne one, but I guess the other two and the polar bear are Ulrome. Only the smallest seal has a mark on the base...
Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  A_mari10Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  A_mari11Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  A_mari12

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by denbydump Sun May 08, 2016 8:34 pm

You are right, the first one is not. The pix in the book are very difficult to compare with.
The 3rd one (Sea-lions BTW), may not be right, anyway the book says it should be
13.5 cms tall.

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by cycladelic Mon May 09, 2016 12:48 am

Hi, DD

The base is certainly different, but the modelling and features are very very similar - I would say the same person created them.

And yes, the Colin Melbourne is much more stylised.

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by denbydump Mon May 09, 2016 11:26 pm

Sorry, the polar bear is also right.
Anyway, help should be on it's way.

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by cycladelic Tue May 10, 2016 4:32 am

Cheers, dd

Mine appear to be the same as those included in the group photo at the start of this thread. I just wonder if the larger sea-lion was made at a different company but with the same mould.

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by cycladelic Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:10 am

Here's a 23cm-long panther which is unmarked. I guess it's Ulrome...Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Ulrome12

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

Post by denbydump Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:41 am

Yes the panther is right,
I have been told the large sea lion is also correct, even though
the base looks different.
All rare pieces in good condition!

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Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield  Empty Re: Cleve Pottery, Ulrome, Driffield

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