Damn it looks like Daum Crystal but no mark
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Damn it looks like Daum Crystal but no mark
This lead crystal vase says Daum to me me however it's not marked. If it were a second there has been a lot of work on it and the only thing I can see is a couple of small bubbles in the glass as a possible reason. Approx 6.5 inches tall and 5.5 inches across at widest. Interesting deep recessed dimple in the base.
This lead crystal vase says Daum to me me however it's not marked. If it were a second there has been a lot of work on it and the only thing I can see is a couple of small bubbles in the glass as a possible reason. Approx 6.5 inches tall and 5.5 inches across at widest. Interesting deep recessed dimple in the base.
RVsaid- Number of posts : 1468
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12
Re: Damn it looks like Daum Crystal but no mark
Might be Vannes
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Damn it looks like Daum Crystal but no mark
Hi, yes not dissimilar in style however it is Daum that have this indented base and I could not see a Vannes with it....
RVsaid- Number of posts : 1468
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12
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