who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960

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who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 Empty who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960

Post by sunnyices2 October 15th 2014, 6:42 pm

who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 20141013

who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 20141014

who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 20141015

who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 20141016

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 Empty Re: who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960

Post by sunnyices2 October 15th 2014, 8:01 pm

i bought this venetian glass today because the workmanship in making this neoclassical shape glass vase is just too exquisite.. is more like two blown glass then entwined together.. never seen anything like it before.. might well be older than 1960's

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 Empty Re: who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960

Post by JoFish October 17th 2014, 9:24 am

Yes to Murano and it certainly could have been made in the 1950s or 60s. I would look to Fratelli Toso as a possible maker first, the spiralling canes and the style of the handles would fit but there will likely be other possibilities for a maker too.

A lovely vase, how tall is it?


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who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 Empty Re: who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960

Post by sunnyices2 October 17th 2014, 11:42 am

is 22cm high, been looking into fratelli toso and i have seen a vase very similar and speaking of which, when held!! you can feel the spiralling, earns why i went for it.

thanks a lot john.

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960 Empty Re: who made this murano glass vase? am been told is murano from 1960

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