Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey

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Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey Empty Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey

Post by ginchick September 26th 2014, 10:12 am

Hello everyone,  Can anyone help me out with this odd dish that I picked up the other day?  It is a pottery dish on tall spindly legs.  The inside of the dish is glazed green, whilst the outer and the legs are unglazed and a mottled brown colour.  Marked on the base with a monogram that could be JW, but I can't find it in any of my books or online.  Anyone got any ideas?
Cheers in advance!

Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey Dish_o12
Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey Dish_o13

Number of posts : 13
Location : East Sussex
Registration date : 2013-01-06

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Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey Empty Re: Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey

Post by Guest September 26th 2014, 11:42 am

I don't recognise the mark but your dish very much reminds me of a half avocado (hass) and wondered whether it was made for serving guacamole? just a thought.

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Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey Empty Re: Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey

Post by ginchick September 28th 2014, 7:34 pm

Now there's a thought! Maybe I should put this thing to good use Happy

Number of posts : 13
Location : East Sussex
Registration date : 2013-01-06

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Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey Empty Re: Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey

Post by Guest September 29th 2014, 4:28 pm


I also meant to add that there may be a connection to Mexican pottery due to shape/colour : )

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Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey Empty Re: Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey

Post by NaomiM September 29th 2014, 5:52 pm

It looks familiar. I think I've seen something like this in an online gallery recently.

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Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey Empty Re: Dish on legs, JW mark - Joyce Withey

Post by NaomiM July 7th 2023, 2:53 pm

By Joyce Withey, potting in the 1980s-90s
She made ikebana style pots and sold them at NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies). It's not known where she lived

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