Annie Begley

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Annie Begley Empty Annie Begley

Post by Celtic_Fan September 24th 2014, 3:21 pm

Annie Begley is a potter and Painter working in East Kent.

She also runs classes on painting and pottery. Some of her work can be seen at Georges Barn, between Newington and Peene, just outside Folkestone.
Which as well as being connected to the Elham Valley Line railway museum, house a countryside and craft centre. At the weekends you can usually seeing Annie working on some of her sculptures and woodworkers turning bowls etc. Or just sit and have a coffee.

Years ago she worked as a painter for Derek Fowlers Pottery in London.
She has produced a lot of large works for a wildlife trail around the Barn and other work is fantasy/mythical based.
My current Avatar (in the blue hat) is by Annie.

These are not the best pic's as they were taken on my GF's phone.
But along with the pic's on her website, will give you a sense of her work.

Much of her work is very large. It is also very reasonably priced and affordable.

Here are a couple of general views over her stall in the Barn.
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Annie Begley 943a10

A work in progress. His feet still need to be attached.
Annie Begley 931a10

Yep, this is one of her pottery works, not a stuffed toy!
Annie Begley 927a10

3 young piggies
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Annie Begley 936a10

Annie about to pack a lamb my Girlfriend has just bought. You can also see a mummy piggy in front of her.
Annie Begley 939a10

And a fabulous Hare bust.
Annie Begley 947a10

Last edited by Celtic_Fan on September 24th 2014, 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

Male Number of posts : 507
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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Annie Begley Empty Re: Annie Begley

Post by Celtic_Fan September 24th 2014, 3:28 pm

I really do luv this shepherd sculpture.
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Annie behind her stall.
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Some of her smaller works.
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Annie Begley 953a10

One of her paintings.
Annie Begley 949a10

One more to follow of her outside works along the trail.

Male Number of posts : 507
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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Annie Begley Empty Re: Annie Begley

Post by Celtic_Fan September 24th 2014, 3:35 pm

Some fungi along the outside Nature Trail.
Annie Begley 965a10

A giant ant, alongside an old water operated lift from Folkestone.
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Georges Barn
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The easily missed sign, when driving along the A20.
Annie Begley 979a10

Well worth a visit if your in East Kent.

Male Number of posts : 507
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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Annie Begley Empty Re: Annie Begley

Post by Celtic_Fan September 24th 2014, 3:50 pm

I nearly forgot my Avatar.

He wasn't really for sale, as Annie had only brought him in to keep her company - having made him a long time ago. But as I fell in love with him and she could see he would go to a good home, she let me have him Jumping For Joy

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No, it's not your imagination, nor camera trickery. His head moves / comes off.
Annie forgot to tell me that when I first started looking at him  Big Shock  Luckily I've got fast reactions!
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Annie Begley 036a11

He now keeps a few Bill Fisher characters company and seems to fit right in with them.
Annie Begley 046a10
Annie Begley 047a11

I'll probably go back in the next few weeks. So will take better pic's and any new work she has there.

Male Number of posts : 507
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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