Amber Glass/Crystal with controlled bubble.

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Amber Glass/Crystal with controlled bubble. Empty Amber Glass/Crystal with controlled bubble.

Post by Redware September 18th 2014, 5:15 pm

Hi guys, this vase reminds me of Whitefriars but I think there is no such shape in their catalogues.
It is mouth blown with polished pontil and unsigned. I think it's rather crystal than glass as it's quite heavy for its size as well as it rings like crystal when tapped. Sometime ago I've had early Edinburgh and Leith (later Webb) jug that was made in similar manner, however they usually marked their pieces.
Almost 8'' (20cm) tall.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Amber Glass/Crystal with controlled bubble. Img_0814
Amber Glass/Crystal with controlled bubble. Img_0815
Amber Glass/Crystal with controlled bubble. Img_0816
Amber Glass/Crystal with controlled bubble. Img_0818

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Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2012-11-08

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