Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

Post by denbydump June 12th 2014, 7:23 pm

Stoneware drainpipe 18 in high. Wonder if his pots were marketed by Briglin? Plants, Whaley Bridge (NW Derbyshire), was
presumably a retailer. If the 14.50 sticker is the price from the 70s, not a cheap pot!

Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Abberl10

Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Abberl11

Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Abberl12

Number of posts : 7411
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Re: Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

Post by 22 Crawford St. June 13th 2014, 10:49 pm

Adrian Abberley is mentioned in the Briglin book (p.53) as he was included in the 21st birthday party exhibition in 1969. Not seen that exact label before. It is similar to the brown 'Briglin - HAND MADE - IN ENGLAND' (same size shape but brown ground white letters) which I think dates from mid sixties - Alan Wallwork said when Briglin sold his tiles they stuck Briglin stickers on everything and that was this period.  So I assume Adrian Abberley sold through Briglin also at that time?

Decimalization was 1971, so if it was sold earlier than that date (which is my guess) then it would have been the shop next door - 23 Crawford Street where Brigitte sold the plants. Or perhaps it was sold in say 1972 and that was the price on the bottom? A hefty £14.50? Either way that a little Briglin label has probably survived for about 50 years.

Interesting thing, thanks very much for posting it.
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5611
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Re: Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

Post by 22 Crawford St. February 2nd 2016, 11:39 pm

This is apparently a incense stick holder. Same mark as DD's above - The black at the top is glaze

Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Dscn5516

Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Dscn5517

Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Dscn5518

Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Fff10
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5611
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Re: Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

Post by denbydump July 17th 2016, 10:23 pm

Never spotted this one before 22, a cracking piece, so not a vase then?
Looks beautifully thrown,

Number of posts : 7411
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Re: Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

Post by 22 Crawford St. July 17th 2016, 11:59 pm

TBH I was a bit disappointed when it arrived. The glaze is attractive, it's just the form is a little undelicate, perhaps I'm more used to earthenware and porcelain than lumpy stoneware. Yes it's a bud vase, I use it for incense in the fireplace.
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5611
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Re: Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

Post by denbydump July 18th 2016, 1:43 am

The only other piece I have ever seen.
Maybe an underrated potter.

Number of posts : 7411
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Re: Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

Post by 22 Crawford St. July 19th 2016, 8:26 pm

Well you need to produce a certain volume to be appreciated. It's fine for a vineyard to produce great wine but if they only make 20 bottles a year then they won't get popular appeal. There is just nothing on the market. Nothing. Not even one piece a year.
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5611
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Re: Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

Post by denbydump July 19th 2016, 9:29 pm

Then we have some rare jewels 22!

Maybe he did his volume while at Briglin itself.

Number of posts : 7411
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin) Empty Re: Adrian Abberley (London & at Briglin)

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