Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries

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Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Empty Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries

Post by potterymad62 Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:37 pm

Can anyone please kindly help with this mark on the bowl listed below. The mark in the centre looks like F D?

Many thanks


Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries <a href=Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Dsc01010" />

Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries <a href=Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Dsc01011" />Can

Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Dsc01012

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Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Empty Tin-Glazed Jug, acorn mark - Smailholm Pottery?

Post by r-and-f Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:12 am

A big, heavy earthenware jug, tin-glazed with fish decoration.  Has a slightly continental look (French? Spanish?) but the clay is browner than I would have expected (darker than it appears in the photo) and the acorn mark at the base of the handle looks as if it could be British.  But having said that, none of the acorn-type marks in the BSPM book seem to be a match.  All suggestions gratefully received.

Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Fish_j14

Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Fish_j15

Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Fish_j16

Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Fish_j17

Male Number of posts : 280
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Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Empty Re: Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries

Post by NaomiM Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:32 am

My first thought was Spanish, or French, especially with that style of base. The only British potter I know with an acorn mark is Brenda Murray and it's not her usual mark. Andrew Mcgarva is out in France and makes similar pieces, but again not his nark; maybe a new potter?

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Empty Re: Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries

Post by r-and-f Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:44 pm

Thank you Naomi.

Male Number of posts : 280
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Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Empty Large Vase Marked FD - Linda Kinsman Blake, Smailholm Pottery

Post by PotteryLover123 Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:22 am


Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks.

Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Dscf4516
Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Dscf4518
Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Dscf4517

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Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Empty Re: Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries

Post by NaomiM Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:45 pm

By Smailholm Pottery

From her website:
Linda J Kinsman-Blake, BA Hons, North Staffordshire
Moved to the Borders 1979
Established a Pottery with Rankin Kinsman-Blake :-
Tweedbank Pottery, 1979
Lilliesleaf Pottery, 1982
Kinsman Blake Gallery (Smailholm), 1995

Last edited by NaomiM on Wed Feb 15, 2023 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32166
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Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Empty Re: Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries

Post by r-and-f Sat Oct 09, 2021 11:42 pm

Thank you Naomi, I'm sure you're correct. The mark looks different, but the style and decoration are spot-on. Now, I wonder what I did with the jug...?

Male Number of posts : 280
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Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries Empty Re: Snail mark, Linda Kinsman Blake Tweedbank Lilliesleaf & Smailholm Potteries

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