Chinese Rice Grain Cup

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Chinese Rice Grain Cup Empty Chinese Rice Grain Cup

Post by mikelv85 March 8th 2014, 6:24 pm

Found this beautiful little cup today. It only measures 3" wide x 2" high. It has a gilt rim which is mostly there but there is a dip in the rim and it thins out in one spot probably to form a drinking edge. It has translucent leaves around the flowers that let the light shine through. The mark on the bottom seems complex for such a tiny piece. Does anyone know what it might translate to or anything about this little cup ?? Thanks -Mike-

Chinese Rice Grain Cup Exquis10
Chinese Rice Grain Cup Exquis11
Chinese Rice Grain Cup Exquis12
Chinese Rice Grain Cup Exquis13

Last edited by studio-pots on March 13th 2014, 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Cup ID'd)

Male Number of posts : 32
Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2014-02-06

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Chinese Rice Grain Cup Empty Re: Chinese Rice Grain Cup

Post by NaomiM March 8th 2014, 7:07 pm

It's a Chinese tea bowl, with the 'rice grain' pattern.

This Chinese rice grain porcelain (also known as grain de riz ware) bowl is made of thin porcelain and has finely carved rice-like holes which are covered with a transparent glaze. This pate dure (hard paste porcelain) is very thin and has hand painted under glaze blue on white decorations with lines and flowers-in-basket motif inside, as well as, a leaf motif surrounding the exterior rim.

This has a four character mark but it doesn't look like a dynasty mark. It might be 19th century, but they are still being made today.

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Chinese Rice Grain Cup Empty Re: Chinese Rice Grain Cup

Post by mikelv85 March 8th 2014, 8:59 pm

Thank you Naomi for all the info :) -Mike-

Male Number of posts : 32
Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2014-02-06

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