Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney

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Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Empty Wood End Chuckney, Tony O'Donovan

Post by Potty Primate June 26th 2011, 2:41 am

I know nothing about this pedestal bowl except for what is on the bottom; Wood End Cuckney, Notts. I do like the fishy stamp though.

Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Wood_e10

Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Wood_e11

Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Wood_e12

Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Wood_e13

Just 4" high, 4 1/2" across the bowl (10/11.5cm).
Potty Primate
Potty Primate

Male Number of posts : 339
Location : Nottinghamshire
Registration date : 2011-04-23

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Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Empty Re: Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney

Post by climberg64 July 3rd 2011, 11:39 am

Wood End Pottery was the Pottery of Tony O'Donovan. He ran weekly and weekend pottery courses in the seventies and eighties which were advertised in the Ceramic Review.

Number of posts : 1239
Location : North East
Registration date : 2010-01-20

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Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Empty Re: Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney

Post by Potty Primate July 3rd 2011, 1:27 pm

Cheers Climberg Excellent
Potty Primate
Potty Primate

Male Number of posts : 339
Location : Nottinghamshire
Registration date : 2011-04-23

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Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Empty Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney

Post by climberg64 March 1st 2014, 9:53 pm

Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney P1010343
Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney P1010342

Number of posts : 1239
Location : North East
Registration date : 2010-01-20

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Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney Empty Re: Tony O'Donovan, Woodend Pottery, Cuckney

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