Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age

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Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age Empty Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age

Post by mikelv85 February 7th 2014, 12:31 am

Hello Everyone,
I found this vase at a local thrift store.While I found two (satin white and cobalt blue) in online auctions there is absolutely nothing about the maker or the production year of these pieces. The only information the auctions give is that they are Cartier. Does anyone know who made these for Cartier and what year they were made ?
It's 11 1/2 in. tall and weights an incredible 8 lbs.! It has Cartier etched on the edge of the base which is small and hard to read. I'm sure the store didn't see it. The vase is very art deco in style and uses Cartier's "Pantheres' or leopard in it's design.

                                                                                                   Thanks for any help and expertise.

Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age Cartie16Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age %3Ca%20href=Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age Cartie15" />

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Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age Empty Re: Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age

Post by NaomiM February 7th 2014, 7:45 am

With something as chunky as that I'd be looking at Moser.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age Empty Re: Large Art Deco "Panthères De Cartier" Vase / Unknown Maker and Age

Post by JoFish February 8th 2014, 4:05 pm

I would contact Cartier and ask them.


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