Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo?

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Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Empty Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo?

Post by Redware December 18th 2013, 5:03 pm

Hi guys I have tried to identify this sculpture/vase for some time but no success. It looks almost like a vessel from the Star Trek or a building from one of the Gulf states  Happy 
It is cut glass, signed to the bottom. It sits in a strange way on its base, leaning forward quite a bit.
It is so difficult to read the signature... I'm guessing it is Czech as I think it is signed Sklo, artist name (beginning with letters A and H I think) and a date (pattern) number: 2006/11 or 206l/11
Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Img_2716
Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Img_2718
Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Img_2719
Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Img_2720
Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Img_2721

Male Number of posts : 209
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2012-11-08

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Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Empty Re: Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo?

Post by RVsaid December 19th 2013, 9:25 am

Hmm I can't read the mark so this is a little of a long shot but it does seem to be a capital letter A? Adam Aaronson might be worth looking into but no promises

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Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Empty Re: Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo?

Post by Redware December 29th 2013, 5:56 pm

Thanks RV,  I found only one Adam's signature:  but mine looks a bit different.
I have painted the signature with a red dye and taken few more pictures. Does it help, anyone?
Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Img_3010
Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Img_3011
Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Img_3012

Male Number of posts : 209
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2012-11-08

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Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Empty Re: Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo?

Post by JoFish December 29th 2013, 6:10 pm

It might be worth asking Aaronson Noon if they made it, if only to rule them out: contact details here


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Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Empty Re: Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo?

Post by Redware December 29th 2013, 6:23 pm

Thanks John, I will post as soon as I'll hear back from them.


Male Number of posts : 209
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2012-11-08

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Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo? Empty Re: Modern Cut Glass Sculpture. Sklo?

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