Heysham Studio Pottery

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Heysham Studio Pottery Empty Heysham Studio Pottery

Post by Marcusborra November 13th 2013, 3:01 pm

Stone ware body, studio pottery vase with an impressed mark ' HEYSHAM'
The body is decorated with an incised image of a Bull on one side and a strange image of what appears to be a Devil on the reverse side.
There is nothing about this studio pottery on the internet that I can find, apart from an old image on a postcard which was sold this year on eBay which shows a Potter at work in his studio in Heysham.
Heysham is a village near Morecambe in Lancashire.

Can anyone help with more information

Height 22cm

Heysham Studio Pottery Marksp13
Heysham Studio Pottery Marksp14 Heysham Studio Pottery Marksp15Heysham Studio Pottery Marksp16

Male Number of posts : 295
Age : 78
Location : Bolton, Lancashire, England
Registration date : 2013-04-30

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Heysham Studio Pottery Empty Re: Heysham Studio Pottery

Post by NaomiM July 3rd 2022, 2:27 am

Don’t know who the potter was but they had a weird imagination

Heysham Studio Pottery 30835b10

Heysham Studio Pottery 5c7b0f10  Heysham Studio Pottery 8eee4610

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32472
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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