Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot June 19th 2013, 9:58 am

Tim Andrews,former pupil and long time friend of David Leach. Did his early potting in the Leach Tradition.but found his forte in Raku. His burnished Raku Pots are a wonder to behold.and are amongst the finest being made in Britain today. Author of a standard book on Raku,well worth reading. He also runs a wide ranging exhibition each Autumn,with many potters of note. 
          Present day examples and information on his website here.


Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery 00312

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot June 19th 2013, 10:00 am

Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery 00524

Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery 00412

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot June 19th 2013, 10:01 am

Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery 00611

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by dantheman July 18th 2013, 9:29 pm

does Tim mark his pots?

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15398
Location : Lincolnshire ( the veg patch of England)
Registration date : 2008-02-03

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by NaomiM July 19th 2013, 1:03 am

TA stamp

I have some examples on Pinterest, but it would be better if people post pics from their own pots.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by studio-pots July 19th 2013, 5:00 pm

Sadly, I think that your comments Naomi will fall on deaf ears or perhaps closed eyes is more appropriate. It is such a shame, as a picture of the mark would be very useful here. Not being a "big fan" of raku means that I can't oblige.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

Male Number of posts : 7836
Location : South East London
Registration date : 2011-02-17


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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by NaomiM July 19th 2013, 6:32 pm

Heres a few examples off pinterest then. The last one also has a number impressed beneath the TA mark.


Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot July 20th 2013, 8:05 am

studio-pots wrote:Sadly, I think that your comments Naomi will fall on deaf ears or perhaps closed eyes is more appropriate. It is such a shame, as a picture of the mark would be very useful here. Not being a "big fan" of raku means that I can't oblige.

You in favour of the 'How to Lose friends and Antagonise people' style of posting then Studio?

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot July 20th 2013, 8:07 am


Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery 03111

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by dantheman July 20th 2013, 7:52 pm

cheers Phil Excellent 

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15398
Location : Lincolnshire ( the veg patch of England)
Registration date : 2008-02-03

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Studio porcelain lidded Jar TA mark - Tim Andrews

Post by benwilliams September 30th 2020, 2:19 pm

Small jar, similar glazing perhaps to David Frith - celadon with brown & blue
Impressed mark looks like TA, possibly IA
Couldn’t see it in book. Maybe I’m missing it.
Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery 6b575c10
Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery A98b3710
Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery D7f6db10

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot September 30th 2020, 2:30 pm

Tim Andrews, Woodbury near Exeter. Better known for his Raku work, he was apprenticed to David Leach, and then worked with him for some years.

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by benwilliams September 30th 2020, 3:54 pm

Thank you. I’ve seen his Raku online and it looks wonderful.
I looked in the initials section at the back of the book and he’s not there. Thanks again!

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot September 30th 2020, 4:04 pm

Indeed, his raku work fetches good prices. Not to much for his Leach style pieces tho.

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty TA mark - Tim Andrews

Post by philpot December 20th 2022, 2:30 pm

Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Img_0918Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Img_0919Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Img_0920

A dinky prettylittle bulbous vase with a Clear A or IA mark. Now  I have gone through all the likelihoods but but nothing quite seems to fit. Any ideas?

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by NaomiM December 20th 2022, 6:32 pm

TA mark for Tim Andrews

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot December 20th 2022, 7:19 pm

You are absolutely brilliant Naomi. Thanks so much. Comparing it carefully with some of the Raku Tim Andrews I have. I think you are spot on. I just did not associate it with Tim Andrews David Leach style. I thought it looked a lot more like a David Frith pupil style.

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by NaomiM December 20th 2022, 9:32 pm

His early work, I think. Yes, very Leach/Frith in style

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by studio-pots December 20th 2022, 11:51 pm

Tim was an apprentice with David in 1978/9 and this was followed by a further period of training at Dartington, so this pot clearly fits the style of both establishments at the time he was there.

I seem to remember Tim telling me that it wasn't until returning to Lowerdown to share David's pottery space in 1986 that he began to experiment and develop the raku work for which he is best known. He remained there for 7 years and his thinking was that if he was making work similar to David then visitors to the pottery would buy David's and not his. Logic that you can't argue with.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

Male Number of posts : 7836
Location : South East London
Registration date : 2011-02-17


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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Tim Andrews Raku Vase

Post by potterymad62 June 6th 2023, 5:14 pm

Pick up a great bargain this week £1, a lovely copper fumed raku pottery vase by Tim Andrews.

Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Pxl_2382
Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Pxl_2383
Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Pxl_2384
Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Pxl_2385

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

Post by philpot December 13th 2023, 8:44 am


Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery Empty Re: Tim Andrews, Woodbury Pottery

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