Barry Gregson, Caton Pottery
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Taylor Thomas- Number of posts : 635
Location : London, England
Registration date : 2008-03-11
Re: Barry Gregson, Caton Pottery
A totally new name to me but I assume that he potted in the North of England, as I found reference to a "Caton with Littledale" in Lancashire and that a Barry Gregson was part of a mixed ceramics exhibition at the Abbot Hall Art Gallery in Cumbria back in 1970?
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Barry Gregson, Caton Pottery
I would think the she shade is original... He's not a potter I knew about neither.... Another lamp in the house for the wife to dislike..
Taylor Thomas- Number of posts : 635
Location : London, England
Registration date : 2008-03-11
Re Barry Gregson
Barry Gregson was my inspirational pottery teacher at Lancaster Royal Grammar School in the late 60s. He went out of his way to encourage my creativity, even though 'the system' had pushed me into the sciences, and warned me when 'the Gestapo in the staff room' were having a crackdown on smoking ! I've long given up the fags but his encouragement and generosity of spirit have stayed with me all my life - I only wish I could tell him now.
Barry ran Caton Pottery with his wife Ann, and their daughter married Andy Goldsworthy.
Barry ran Caton Pottery with his wife Ann, and their daughter married Andy Goldsworthy.
16sheds- Number of posts : 2
Location : Bentham Lancaster
Registration date : 2016-04-01
Re: Barry Gregson, Caton Pottery
Thanks for that and welcome to the Forum.
Have you given up the potting as well as the fags?
Have you given up the potting as well as the fags?
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Barry Gregson, Caton Pottery
Haven't potted since i was at school - I went into wood turning/sculpture instead, as the supply to our house won't support an electric kiln unfortunately.
16sheds- Number of posts : 2
Location : Bentham Lancaster
Registration date : 2016-04-01
Re: Barry Gregson, Caton Pottery
Another example of his work has turned up on Facebook. The owner was kind enough to give permission to post the photos here. BG stamp and signed ‘Caton’
Carrot cake is just fake cake
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