I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
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I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
The furniture was described as birch wood, but my instincts tell me it's teak. I could be wrong. This 'Teak' unit has two bench like seats and the two front side panels that opens outwards from the handle as can be seen in pictures, were as, the middle large panel (table top) opens by I recessed bottom middle section that pulls outwards. All wooden supports work off hinged mechanisims. These are the only pictures I have to go on at the moment and hope to get more, that's if it has not been sold by now. Trying to get hold of the owner is currently a nightmare! The rear of the unit has an rectangular white label with the markings 'Guarantee HERKEL furniture gold medalist'. I've heard of Ercol, but not this particular name. I'm wondering if this is a replica! I've tried researching under Ercol, but unable to identify. There is very limited amount of information I can retrieve online about Herkel. The Unit is extremely heavy and very well made, even down to all joints, that includes drawers that incorporate, dovetail joints. The thicknes of panels are 3/4". The mechanisms are steel bearing locking fixtures. The top panel is made from 3 sections length ways. The seating areas, which consist of two.......... are, I think, a thick, textured plastic type material. There's plenty of storage area within all 3 boxed sections that include shelving. Who ever designed this, I would say, put a lot of thought into not only the size, referring to the width (14 3/4") but the utility of space also. Your help is appreciated. Sorry about the limited amount of pictures at the moment, but hope ones posted are sufficient.
Last edited by denbydump on March 12th 2023, 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : pos ID)
Flintztone- Number of posts : 247
Location : W.Mids
Registration date : 2012-12-09
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Like the seating arrangement
brin mcardle- Number of posts : 2708
Age : 77
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Registration date : 2011-06-18
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Thanx, still can't get hold of the owner in order to post further pictures. I will try tomorrow.
Flintztone- Number of posts : 247
Location : W.Mids
Registration date : 2012-12-09
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Herkel were fairly established maker's- there have been several examples of their work turn up on ebay. I think they're Australian and their work dates from the '30s onwards
trellis- Number of posts : 10
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2013-04-04
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Hello Trellis, Thank you for letting us know. Do you have any sites that I could visit or examples of their work. I manage to get hold of the owner and an agreement was struck. So I am now the proud owner of this unit. It's in storage at the moment. I should have taken pictures prior. I definately will post further pictures. I'm currently decorating, so have not really decided where it will go. All the storage compartments are full, so I will need to find a place for them too.
Flintztone- Number of posts : 247
Location : W.Mids
Registration date : 2012-12-09
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Unfortunately have little information to give- the Australian idea comes from a suite offered at Tennants Auctioneers a while back? Have a good look through Google and Invaluable and you might find out more
trellis- Number of posts : 10
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2013-04-04
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Cheers! Trellis, I will get on to it. if I do find anything, I will keep you posted.
Flintztone- Number of posts : 247
Location : W.Mids
Registration date : 2012-12-09
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Hello all, I thought I would at some point get round to posting additonal picts. I was able to find a Herkel furniture list.on Ebay, item number - 400677749783. Not much information though. I've tried Google and Invaluable, but limited, in fact, not been able to find anything on this unique sideboard unit. Hope someone will recognise this by the label attached.
Flintztone- Number of posts : 247
Location : W.Mids
Registration date : 2012-12-09
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Could it have come out of a caravan or a barge? Doesn't seem the sort if thing you'd have in a flat or house.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
You could be right NaomiM. I did not think about that. My only concern with that though, would be the overall weight and the inclusion of fixtures, that's if it was designed for a barge. A caravan seems more probable, don't you think?
Flintztone- Number of posts : 247
Location : W.Mids
Registration date : 2012-12-09
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
The label looks 1930s. If it was for a caravan it could well have been a special commission with few pieces made. You could try asking the V&A.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: I.D needed on this very unusual looking - teak side board unit - Herkel
Thanx NaomiM, I will follow up your info. Any further information gathered, I will keep you informed. Appreciated!
Flintztone- Number of posts : 247
Location : W.Mids
Registration date : 2012-12-09
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