Impressed with BP - Bartley Heath Pottery
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Impressed with BP - Bartley Heath Pottery
I really love this piece, the balance the finish but most of all the handle. If you have the same size hands as myself the grip handle takes your thumb supported by a finger perfectly and it is at a slight angle which tilts the bowl into a perfect drinking position. Bowl part is approx 8 cm tall and 10 cm across.
RVsaid- Number of posts : 1468
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12
Re: Impressed with BP - Bartley Heath Pottery
It believe it was made at Bartley Heath Pottery, run by Michael Dixon and his wife near Odiham. Michael Dixon worked at Grayshott Pottery where he produced some exceptionally-decorated personal pieces, far above the more usual run-of-the-mill pieces one might associate with Grayshott.
Potwurm- Number of posts : 42
Location : Surrey
Registration date : 2013-01-31
Re: Impressed with BP - Bartley Heath Pottery
Hi, many thanks I can see the backward looping of the P does form an H making it BHP
RVsaid- Number of posts : 1468
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12
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