Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker?

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Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker? Empty Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker?

Post by Alex_s October 17th 2012, 3:45 pm

Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker? Pengui10

These are very satisfying birds, nice and heavy with only the odd tiny bubble here and there. The biggest is 6" tall, and carries a generic yellow and silver Made In Sweden sticker. Can't find any reference to them - anyone know the maker?

Number of posts : 261
Location : Stockport
Registration date : 2010-12-22

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Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker? Empty Re: Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker?

Post by NaomiM October 17th 2012, 4:55 pm

Found something similar on Etsy, simply listed as Swedish Crystal Teardrop
(google: RESERVED for Blairwinter - Swedish Crystal Teardrop)
Nothing coming up on google though.

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Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker? Empty Re: Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker?

Post by Alex_s October 17th 2012, 6:06 pm

Yeah, looks similar. Still think they are meant to be penguins though!

Number of posts : 261
Location : Stockport
Registration date : 2010-12-22

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Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker? Empty Re: Swedish minimalist penguins(?) - maker?

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