Etched 8 point Star Logo/Mark inside Champagne Coupe.

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Etched 8 point Star Logo/Mark inside Champagne Coupe.  Empty Etched 8 point Star Logo/Mark inside Champagne Coupe.

Post by Fernside November 6th 2023, 10:28 am

Etched 8 point Star Logo/Mark inside Champagne Coupe.  Cs231110
Etched 8 point Star Logo/Mark inside Champagne Coupe.  Cs220210
Etched 8 point Star Logo/Mark inside Champagne Coupe.  Co120210

Hello, I have a number of Champagne Coupes with an Etched 8-point Star located in the bowl of the glass but nothing on the bottom of the glass. Can anyone help me to identify the Glass Maker?

Thank you

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Location : London
Registration date : 2018-01-22

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